For all questions regarding advertisement and donations, please contact us.
To make Horizons possible and keep the registration fees affordable for the students, we rely on donations by companies who typically donate between 1000 € and 2000 €.
If you are interested in supporting Horizons with your donation, please find all relevant information below:
Account holder: Verein zur Förderung der molekularen Biowissenschaften
Bank name: Sparkasse Göttingen
IBAN: DE39 2605 0001 0004 7122 20
Reference: Horizons – Company name
To ensure that everything runs smoothly, please send us a short message with the name and address as it should be stated on the donation receipt (“Spendenbescheinigung”). As soon as we have received your donation, we will send you the “Spendenbescheinigung” as a scan via email. In case you need a hardcopy of the “Spendenbescheinigung”, kindly let us know the postal address.
As we would thank our donors during the conference, in our conference booklet and on our website, it would be great if you could send us your logo.
In the spirit of our Horizons Career Fair, we also kindly invite you to present yourself with advertisement material, posters, and/or a booth, at the day of the Horizons Career Fair (9th of September) or throughout the whole conference. Please feel free to contact us for further details.

Donors 2024